A female student wearing an 菠菜网lol正规平台 sweatshirt sits and takes notes off a laptop screen. Other students are out of focus in the background doing the same.

Fostering and Supporting Student Success

The Office of Supported Instruction is here to help guide students as they set out to take their first-year math/qualitative reasoning and writing courses. We consider it our mission to provide students with the crucial resources and tools they need to foster and maintain academic success.

First-Year Math & Writing Course Placement

The Office of Supported Instruction offers a wide-variety of math and writing courses that fulfill your general education (GE) area A2 and B4 requirements. Take a look to see which classes you can expect to take.

Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Course Options Explorer

Use our interactive tool to help choose your first math/QR course based on your enrollment category and your major.

How We Can Help

The Office of Supported Instruction has a multitude of resources that can help students achieve academic success. 

First-Year Spartans

Resources for first-year Spartans, including information on registration, financial aid, Canvas, advising, student organizations, major and careers.


In order to appeal your enrollment category, you must bring to light new or missing information that was not considered in the original determination.

About Us

Learn more about what The Office of Supported Instruction does, who we serve, plus view upcoming news and events.